Oongalee gets in the ring with United MMA


At Oongalee, we’re all about keeping Canadians fully charged so, naturally, we jumped at the opportunity to partner with Canada’s leading mixed martial arts (MMA)  promotion company, United MMA, to be a part of their highly anticipated events.


As Canada’s MMA community extends its reach, we are proud to collaborate with United MMA as an event sponsor, supporting the growth of both the organization and Canada’s rapidly expanding MMA audience base.


Consumer behaviours and expectations have evolved quickly over the last few years, and the way event promoters and brands need to connect with ticket holders to drive value has changed. With our tabletop assistants in place at every United MMA event, guests will be able to keep their devices fully charged, while event sponsors will have the opportunity to share their messaging and campaigns in ways they have not been able to before.


Oongalee Gateways feature high-definition screens that create the perfect platform for interactive ads to come to life.


Our partnership with United MMA is just another way Oongalee’s extensive advertising network sets itself apart. We reach unique audiences through unmatched placement at key times, like United’s highly anticipated events. Our growing network stretches across almost 30 Canadian cities, offering coverage on 5,000 screens, reaching 1,000,000+ customers per month.


As a proud partner of United MMA, we give their network of sponsors the opportunity to share their message where it matters and on the platform that offers the highest dwell time in the industry — consumers sit in front of our screens for 45 to 60 minutes, on average.


Interested in reaching Canadian MMA fans? Reach out to us at XXXXXX.


To learn more about upcoming events, visit https://unifiedmma.ca/


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